Sexual & Reproductive Health

Sexual & Reproductive Health

Our local Sexual & Reproductive Health clinic is situated on Penglais hill just below Padarn Surgery, there is a separate car park. The most up to date information on their clinics can be found here. For Appointments please call 01267 248674 Monday to Friday 9.15am – 4.30pm.

STI's - some STIs, like chlamydia, you can be carrying without having any symptoms. This infection can affect fertility, so it's important to make use of the sexual health services available for free on the NHS.  If you need comprehensive screening please contact our local Sexual Health as above.

Home self testing kit for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea - go to or

Contraception - We hold a contraception clinic at Ystwyth Medical Group - for more information click here. We do offer fittings for coil/implants, if you require this service please ring the Surgery on 01970 613500 to arrange a telephone consultation with the doctor to discuss further. 

If you wish to book an appointment for an emergency coil please use the central office number below; you may have to travel across Hywel Dda to access some specialist services.


Central Office Telephone Number : 01267 248 674 Monday to Friday 9.15am – 4.30pm

Useful Resources:

Sex & Young People
A comprehensive guide to the questions you may have about sex from the NHS

Sexually Transmitted Infections
Issues, symptoms and treatments

Sexual Health FAQs
Expert answers from a qualified Doctor

Here you'll find tips for a fulfilling sex life plus advice on STDs, contraception and common sex problems.

FPA - The Sexual Health Charity
Sexual health advice and information on contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy choices, abortion and planning a pregnancy.

Transgender Services

Staff and volunteers of Mindline Somerset & Mindline Bristol (established providers of mental health helplines) have launched a specific Transgender helpline for the whole of the UK.

The service operates on Mondays and Fridays of each week from 8pm until midnight by Trans+ volunteers and allies. Mindline Trans+ offers emotional support to people who are Trans+, A Gender, Gender Fluid and Non-binary and anyone wanting to talk about their gender identity. The helpline is also there to offer support and information to family and friends.

Telephone: 0117 980 0381     Email:

Or visit the website:

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