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Surgery Closing Early


The Health Board request that surgery staff undertake staff training and for us to be able to do so the surgery will be closing early on the following date:



The telephones will be transferred to

emergency cover from 12.00pm.


Urgent telephone cover will be provided.



Infected Blood Inquiry

What is the Infected Blood Inquiry?

The final report of the Infected Blood Inquiry will be published on 20 May 2024 on the Infected Blood Inquiry website.

The Infected Blood Inquiry is an independent public statutory Inquiry established to examine the circumstances in which men, women and children treated by national health services in the United Kingdom were given infected blood and infected blood products, in particular in the 1970s and 1980s.

Common questions and answers about the Inquiry are available from the Welsh Blood Service.

 What should I do if I’m worried?

A free home testing service is available in Wales that you can use to test for blood borne viruses.

Individuals should consider getting a test if they received a blood transfusion prior to September 1991, and have not previously been tested for a bloodborne virus.

There are two routes for testing:

  1.  Public Health Wales offers free and confidential home-testing kits for Hepatitis C, requested by patients online: 
  2.  Where there is no online access or home-testing is not appropriate, you can contact Hywel Dda Communications Hub to request a test in the community. The Communications Hub is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm (excludes bank holidays). 
     0300 303 8322 and choose option 1


meno cym.pngmeno eng.png

Pelvic health

pelv cym.pngpelvic eng.png

Measles cases (suspected and confirmed) are being reported daily in Wales. 


We have areas with low immunisation rates amongst our children and young people, and many people are not fully vaccinated. Measles is a highly infectious illness and infection control precautions need to be implemented if measles is suspected.  A child present with suspected Measles in our waiting room would mean everyone around them would need contact tracing.  Therefore, we advise parents of ill children who might suspect measles to not present at a GP practice, pharmacy or hospital waiting area, but arrange a prior discussion with the team as specific arrangements would need to be made.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Rhianon Copeland

Practice Manager

Tourettes Action


Weight Management

weightweight 2

Stop Smoking


Hywel Dda Be Well Service

fib cym.pngfibro eng.png




Newidiadau'n eich bron? Breast Change?

Heart Failure

Living in a Care Home

Care home

Gwybod eich hawliau - Byw mewn cartref gofal yng Nghymru

Know your rights - Living in a care home in Wales

Syndromes Without A Name


Gambling Support


Autism Service

Autism Service

Adroddiadau diweddaraf CIC Hywel Dda / Latest reports from Hywel Dda CHC

Babies and Births in Hywel Dda Cymru

Babies and Births in Hywel Dda English

Waiting times

The Wales NHS 111 website now provides information on waiting times by speciality at each health board. Whilst this doesn’t tell individuals where they are on the waiting list it does provide up to date information on the range of current waiting times for the speciality and health board for which they are waiting.

Access the information here 

Vaccine access for home-schooled children


Prostate Active Together






ISTEN englislisten welsh

Cocaine Anonymous

cocaine anonymous engcocaine anonymous welsh

HavHav Living Well events

Lung Cancer Symptom Assessment Line

lung  lung

 Donate Blood

In under 1 hour, you could save up to 3 lives by giving blood with @WelshBlood!

Make an appointment today:


 Mewn llai nag 1 awr, gallech achub hyd at bywyd trwy rhoi gwaed gyda @Gwaedcymru! 

 Gwnewch apwyntiad heddiw:


During tough times we can all need help sometimes whether just a friendly face and a talk or an activity to occupy your time and mind. This charity specialises in giving that support for people with life limiting or incurable illnesses. Set up and based in Aberystwyth they have provided support since their founding in 2015. 

For more information and the services that they offer, please follow the link below. 


New Data Protection Regulations from May 2018 (GDPR)

What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulations and is a new piece of legislation that will supersede the Data Protection Act. It will not only apply to the UK and EU; it covers anywhere in the world in which data about EU citizens is processed. GDPR is a new law that determines how your personal data is processed and kept safe, and the legal rights that you have in relation to your own data. The GDPR is similar to the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 (which the practice already complies with), but strengthens many of the DPA’s principles.

The regulation applies from the 25th May 2018 and will apply even after the UK leaves the EU.

Please see patient leaflet below for further information.

Data Protection Regulations May 2018 

How we use your Medical Records

Your Information, Your Rights

Please click on the below links for further information:

Text Message/E-mail Reminders

You can now register to receive information by text message/e-mail regarding appointments and healthcare.

Under the new data protection regulations introduced from 25th May 2018, we will continue to contact patients via text messages regarding the delivery of care if they have provided consent to do so.

If practices are sending messages about recommended treatment for the management of a specific health issue, then this is defined as providing appropriate care for patients, not marketing purposes.

If you wish to register for this messaging service please fill out the consent form.

If you wish to opt out of this messaging service then please contact the surgery on 01970 613500.

Are You Collecting A Prescription / Sick Note / Letter That Is Not Yours?


Giving Consent For Someone To Speak On Your Behalf?

(E.g - All health needs, medication or test results)


Due to General Data Protection Regulations from Friday 25th May 2018 only the patient may collect their prescription / sick note / letter OR speak about their health with one of the Practice Team, unless they have provided written consent for someone else to do. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

PLEASE NOTE: If we hold your telephone number/s or address on your health record we may contact you by text message, telephone or in the form of a letter.

If you wish to opt out of any of these options then please contact the surgery on 01970 613500.



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